Food Services and Wellness

Our Food Service Team is committed to providing high-quality, nutritious, and kid-friendly meals for students at a reasonable price. Every reimbursable meal comes with a choice of entrée, fruit, vegetables, and milk. Students are welcome to take up to two servings of fruit and two servings of vegetables. Reimbursable meals consist of three components, one of which must be a ½ cup of fruit or vegetables. We offer a variety of whole-grain breads and rolls, as well as low-fat and fat-free flavored and unflavored milk. When available, we serve 100% fruit juice and regionally and locally grown fresh fruit. Our vegetable selection is colorful and bursting with flavor.


School Lunch Costs

Redding Elementary and Samuel Staples Elementary School

  • $3.15 for School Lunch Meal

  • $3.50 for Deli Sandwich

John Read and Helen Keller Middle Schools

  • $3.50 for School Lunch Meal

  • $3.75 for Deli Sandwich

Joel Barlow High School

  • $3.75 for School Lunch Meal

  • $4.00 for Deli Sandwich